Maughan Energy and Environmental Consultants

Maughan Energy & Environmental Consultants are located in Enniscrone, Co, Sligo, and thus have easy access to your dwellings in Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Roscommon, Leitrim and Donegal.

If you would like talk to us about carrying out an energy audit of your premises for either obtaining a BER certificate or to help identify improvement oppertunities, or are interested in some information regarding renewable technologies, we can be contacted via phone at:

  • (086) 222 7935
Via email at:

Alternativly, you can write to us at the following address:
  • Main Street
    County Sligo

Main Street, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo
t. 096 36117
087 7760032 / 086 2227935

SEI Registered Building Energy Rating Assessor No. 100164

Contributing to society and the community while maintaining environmental stewardship and creating economic value.